Community Action Network
Holiday Wishlist Eligibility
CAN's 2024 Holiday Wishlist Form has closed for the year
Eligible families either live and/or participate in CAN's programs related to the following communities:
Completing this form does not guarantee that CAN will be able to provide your family with holiday gifts, though CAN does its best to match you and your child or children's preferences with potential donors.
For children in 5th grade or younger, each gift must be valued at about $37.50 or less (all 4 totaling $150). When listing a clothing item, please include the expected size of the child in mid-December. For children in 6th-12th grade, please select no more than 3 stores to which they would like to receive a gift card.
Due to funding and resource limitations, participation is limited to specific CAN service areas and neighborhoods.
Check your eligibility to sign up for CAN's Holiday Wishlist:
Creekside court, Hikone, or Green Baxter Court
Are you and your dependents currently on the lease in the
Creekside Court, Hikone, or Green Baxter Court neighborhood?
Hikone Community Center
2724 Hikone Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Green Baxter Court Community Center
1737 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Creekside Court Community Center
3425 Platt Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48108
For those who are ineligible for Community Action Network's Holiday Gift Program, consider MDHHS Holiday Assistance Program.